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Thomas Brenton family run company manufacturing bespoke interior metalwork and handmade furniture.


British craftsmanship is at the core of the business and it will come at no surprise to you that everything is made by hand in our workshops located in Berkshire, just west of London.


With years of heritage dating back to 1911 and backgrounds in engineering draughtsmanship and blacksmithing, many of the earliest manufacturing processes are still used today.  We feel this creates an unrivalled product experience and allows our collection to flow seamlessly into traditional or contemporary settings. 


We love to work with interior designers and private clients aiming to create that wow factor within in their home whilst achieving a continuous finish throughout.


We pride ourselves in being part of this close Brenton family, and this relationship of trust carries right through our work and connections built with clients.

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Photo By Red Air Media

Mr Thomas Brenton was born in 1859 and grew up in Plymouth.  He joined the Navy in the 1880’s and worked as an armourer for 20 years. 


In the early 1900’s he set up a bike shop called Brenton’s Cycle Depot, the address was 8 Carlton Terrace, Eldad Hill, Plymouth and they lived in the house above.

The photo on the right shows the old bike shop and Thomas Brenton's children stood in the entrance.


In the 1911 census, Thomas Brenton Senior’s occupation is listed as a ‘Cyclemaker’ and his son, Thomas Brenton is listed as ‘Working on Cycles’. 

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